Saturday, March 22, 2014

President Obama and Iran Negotiations

     Today the senate has pressed President Obama on continuing negotiations regarding Iran's nuclear ambitions. But to be honest it's our job to pressure the POTUS to defend our security, but kudos to our senate on this regard.

     The solution is simple. Iran should dismantle their nuclear reactors within a set time voted on by our congress, not by executive order. Id they have failed to do so tactical bombing of their nuclear sites is the only choice we are left with.

     The issue comes down to the safety of our kids, and the rest of our family's or a damaged reputation in the eyes of radical Muslims. I will choose American family s every time. It's time for Iran to choose and our President to enforce. Unfortunately there is no evidence that would suggest that our President has the courage to stand of for America, the world, or your family's. and speaking of family's look what the social justice candidate has done to your family businesses.

By Kevin Locks

Russia Takes Ukrainian Military Bases

     Today Russia has taken two Ukrainian military bases in a shameless display imperialism. In reaction Ukraine should be fighting for their own freedom but sometimes the US must step up to defend the weak. This is only the starting point for Russian aggression. Just a testing grounds for modern empire.

     The US and EU cannot stand for these crimes against the world. We must swiftly bring justice to Ukraine and cripple the Russian war machine once again this century. Unconditional surrender and the arrests of its government representatives is the only way to correct these violations.

By Kevin Locks

Friday, March 21, 2014

Democrats Hurting In Midterms

     Every once in awhile President Obama says something i agree with. In the below article he stated that the democrats midterm failures are because of the toxic environment in Washington. Now the part I agree with is just the phrase toxic environment in Washington. The republicans are doing just fine in the midterms and are expected to take the senate.

     My last statement should not be mistaken for one sided attack, the republicans share responsibility for this "toxic environment" as well. But it is purely President Obama and the elected democrats fault that they wont't be getting decent midterms results. But should they even be concerned about the midterms? Id rather my public servants be concerned with the national debt or correcting/repealing the Affordable Health Care Act.

By Kevin Locks

Michigan Gets Same Sex Marriage Ban Overturned

     Another civil rights victory today, Michigan's same sex marriage banned has been overturned. Michigan is now the 17th state to allow same sex marriage but 33 more still need to jump o board with the times. For the record I do support gay marriage rights however we should consider if a ban is even legal in the first place.

By Kevin Locks

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Obama decides against a military response to Russia

     President Obama has decided against the use if military action in Russia and instead opted for sanctions on 20 top Russian officials. He has claimed Presidents Putins annexation of Crimea is weakness and not strength. But who's really the weak one here? You should already know, with another foreign policy bluff President Obama has embarrassed us yet again.

     Now I mentioned before that I do not support sanctions in this case because President Putin only respects strength and I still stand by that. This annexation is comparable to Hitler and Poland while Europe just stood by. We cannot afford to let an imperialist empire rise. I am condoning war with Russia and total victory in mind. It's time for President Obama to show the world that we are not weak and we will defend freedom against whoever opposes it worldwide.

By Kevin Locks

Should Minimum Wage Be Raised?

     We have all heard the arguments about raising minimum wage, some say it will increase layoffs or raise merchandise pricing and others say it will decrease poverty and the income inequality gap. so lets look at some facts about the issue right now.

  1. According to Investors Report Daily 38% of employers would cut staff in response to minimum wage increases. That means more unemployment.
  2. San Francisco raised minimum wage a decade ago and it seems to have worked out well for the state economy.
  3. A raise in minimum wage will coincide with an increase in merchandise cost and in effect canceling out the raise in the first place.
  4. As union membership decreases minimum wage goes along with it.
If minimum wage workers get a raise shouldn't everyone else get an equal raise?

     So by these facts and and a little bit of common sense we can determine that raising minimum wage is not the job of congress, but the job of the labor unions and the responsibility ow workers to join these unions if they wish to be represented on an income level.

     People may not want to admit it but we as individuals have value and that value also correspond to supply and demand. We are guaranteed life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If you are reading this, you are alive. You are free to do do whatever you wish if you are not concerned with legal repercussions. and you may pursue higher income, higher education or whatever makes you happy. these freedoms will make or break you, after-all you were using these freedoms to choose not to do what it takes to be a step ahead of your peers and now you have the freedom to decide what to do next.  

By Kevin Locks

The Problem Of The 1 Percent?

     I am not a big fan of the rich, but I am a big fan of a high GDP, and country with the richest of rich tend to have the highest GDP's regardless of income inequality. Some say that income inequality is worse today than its's ever been but I disagree. Look at the peasant and king or the slave and the master or the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. Today's income gap is business as usual for the people of the world and that's something we just have to get over.

     That's not to say we can't do things better, for example i think the key to stopping class warfare is simple. Tax, a flat rate percentage tax regardless of income. It's that simple, the powers at be definitely know it but that is an issue that both parties can use for control and distraction.

   Another idea is a 22-25 percent tax on inheritance. This might sound outrageous but my military bonus is taxed at 22 percent and I risk violent death as opposed to some grandson of a billionaire becoming the 3rd generation of his family not doing anything but moving money to make it. Now as much as I would love to hand down any future wealth of mine to my family we must stop these people from coasting generation to generation providing nothing for our country.

     Massive corporate fines on things like environmental damage and worker abuse and currency related crimes is another to keep the rich working for their money. NO business is to big to fail and when we believe one is and support tax theft to bail them out we stop a better business from making its rise.

     In closing I don't hate the rich and neither should you. we should however make sure the rich have to work to stay rich.

   By Kevin Locks

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ukraine authorizes military force.

      Ukraine has authorized its use of military force against Russian annexation. The illegitimate elective body in Crimea should be arrested and tried for treason while the west prepares counter-action against Russia. Ukraine is well within their rights as a sovereign nation to protect their territory from foreign invasion.

     This is a deceleration of war by an empowered feeling Russia, it's time to remind the world that their is only one superpower. freedom justice and democracy is in our hands and it is our responsibility to ensure that these values prevail in the upcoming century, and no threat to the above stated values can be left standing.

By Kevin Locks

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Crimea Votes To Join Russia

      Ukraine has voted, and if it is legitimate we must back down and allow its decision to be implemented.
President Obama claims the vote is illegitimate and Secretary Kerry has begun an apologetic rant toward President Putin saying sanctions in Russia are not a "threat" or meant in a "personal way". Between Kerry and Obama we are being made to be a laughable nation as the world loses respect for our statements.

      If the vote is found to be illegitimate then an invasion into Ukraine must commence to enforce proper elections. President Putin is not bluffing and neither should we be.

By Kevin Locks

Time To Act In Crimea

     With the vote in Ukraine in progress and Russia calling for militia volunteers in preparation for war the U.S response is vital. We must put down troops now to protect Ukrainian sovereignty before it's to late. The west cannot afford to lose credibility against Russia or other foreign powers.

     The Russians clearly intend on war in the case of an unfavorable vote in Ukraine, and North Korea is testing more rockets. Stability in the east is on the verge of collapse. The west must step in a secure peace in these regions for the sake of global security and prosperity. We cannot afford another war so we must be prepared for quick victory. The E.U and the United States and its allies must be prepared for the worst.

By Kevin Locks