Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sharia Law In the UK

Muslims in Europe are creating a stir again by making the bold claim the the United Kingdom's law enforcement does not have the right to arrest a Muslim female. This female was the wife of a radical Muslim involved in a terror bombing witch killed (insert death toll) innocent people. This is just the latest in radical Muslim misbehavior in England and the world.

      My concern is for the moderate Muslims safety in Europe. countries are starting to close their borders to Muslim immigration and some playing with even more dangerous ideas. France almost elected a relative of a Nazi who claimed Islam was not compatibility with democracy. I am worried that the Muslims may be treated like or worse than the European Jews of world war 2.

      The Muslims who are unable to assimilate to the countries they immigrate to should stay home for they risk the safety of moderate Muslims living in western countries. I myself am not anti-Muslim, but there are millions who are and they do pose a threat to the Muslim people of the world. Lets not give them a reason to become radical. To live in a hate free world we must respect the culture of others and not disturb their way of life. This is not happening in England for the English people's way of life.

I apologize for this article being two years old.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Disgusting School

       This morning a Michigan school denied entry to an officer in uniform who was walking his daughter to work based on fears that students would be offended by the presence of an American soldier. This form of discrimination is gaining prevalence in our society and we need to discuss how and why this is happening, and what can be done to fix it.
       The Superintendent of the school has apologized for the schools action but the security guard has not been fired. Beyond just public perception their needs to be consequences for this type of discrimination. The security guard should have been let go and charged with discrimination. unfortunately this is not an isolated event.
      Schools across the country are over stepping their bounds by infringing on parental rights and denying freedom of expression out of fear of offended parents. I don't ever remember a school official asking if I was offended or not about anything. The bottom line is these days Americans fear conflict and while intentions may be good it must be know that you cannot appease everyone, and we should not demonize our soldiers in uniform because of pacifist teachers or children who don't know any better.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Is Police Demilitarization the Solution?

       With a rising social awareness of police crimes I will be shifting some focus onto them and their brutality, But more specifically a solution to their madness. I will be comparing the difference between accountability and militarization.

       The Stop Militarizing Law Enforcement Act, spearheaded by Georgia Rep. Hank Johnson is a proposal that will cripple our nations ability to fight domestic terrorism. Being well armed does not make you a murder. While the growing concern for police behavior and this proposal seem to go hand in hand, they are unrelated.

       What congress should be looking into is a police accountability act. We need to find an effective way to hold the police accountable for their crimes against the people through non-violent means. Police are losing the respect they once had in this country because of their actions and if we do not restore this respect future generations of police. Below is a list of link detailing the Bill and police crimes. Remember to check out CopBlock to learn how to make a difference.

Fast Food Strikes Across the Nation

       This subject may be off topic for my normal posts about foreign policy but it is still something we need to confront as a society. Is it a CEO's responsibility to care about you'r kids or you'r house? Is it society's responsibility to give you a livable wage? Are you entitled to get paid because of you'r bad life decisions?

       Low end workers across the country are striking because they desire and rightfully so, a livable wage. But why do they feel the need to cast the blame of their suffering onto other people? A feeling of entitlement is sweeping western culture and is showing no sign of an end. This type of cultural pollution will eventually lead to the same kind of worker revolts that lead to Nazism or Communism. Low end workers tend to be uneducated, that's why they are low end workers in the first place. Do not let them attempt to dictate national policy.

       A business does not care what kind of a house you want or how many kids you have to feed. They want to create a product cheaply, and workers sign they are willing to accept low payment for the contractual work they are applying for. their never appears a block for do you want a three story house on an application.

       If workers feel they are worth more than they are getting paid they should seek employment elsewhere. Now sometimes they think the lack of an education is an excuse for why they cannot find other employment. That's not McDonald's fault! it's not my fault, it's not you'r fault and it is not society's fault. It is damn sure the workers fault and now they need to live with their mistakes and get over it.[174689]/1/

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Mike Brown

     This week another unarmed person was shot and killed by overzealous police, Mike Brown is their newest victim. The Ferguson police Sparked riots in Missouri and other parts of the nation after their disregard for human life and irresponsible officers targeted and murdered the unarmed teenager. But Mike Brown is just a recent incident, not even the latest.

     Police indiscretion is a growing problem and it is time we do something about it. I am not talking about violence towards police either, anarchy is never a solution. I am referring to legal political reform. If you do not think police behavior is a problem then consider this. More Americans have been killed by police than terrorist organizations since 2001, Military personal have stricter rules for dealing with enemy fighters than police do when dealing with American citizens. This is unacceptable and it's time for a call for police accountability.

     If you feel the need to do something about this then write your representatives in congress and voice your concerns. Currently there are states passing laws for self defense against police witch I support, and there is a bill coming through called the Police Demilitarization Act witch I do not. these are but a few ways to be involved. But remember do not attack police and I would recommend against taunting them, but do not trust the police unless you have nowhere else to turn. I would like to give a shout out the the organization Cop Block for spreading police awareness to citizens who may not have been as concerned as they should be.

Sorry for the inactivity but I'm back.

     I'm back from a little hiatus and looking to start up a YouTube channel in conjunction to this blog. Mail me for subject requests.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Is The Russian Empire Provoking Unrest?

     President Putin has now admitted to an undercover Russian presence in Ukraine, but has claimed they are for the the protection of Russian speakers. The illegitimate government in Ukraine threatened the Ukrainian patriots in Donetsk but bluffed. Do you think President Putin will bluff when he annexes this territory?

     These patriots have the popular support of the community and honorably stand against the government in Kiev and Moscow. But if President Putin conducted illegal operations in Ukraine already then who is to say he does not already have Pro-Russians hidden among the patriots ready to stage an incident and justify further annexation? The west needs to take action or history will repeat itself.

By Kevin Locks

Monday, April 7, 2014

Where are the Ukrainian Revolutionaries?

     The Ukrainian Government claims the pro-Russian forces have seized two eastern cities. With no apparent help from the west it is up to the revolutionaries who sparked this crisis in the first place to rise back against them. The Ukrainian government is weakening everyday but the power of the people can never be stopped. But what people, the pro-Ukrainians or the pro-Russians? Only will, demonstration and organized action can decide the fate of the country. Ukraine rise up and defend yourselves!

By Kevin Locks

Saturday, March 29, 2014

President Obama meets with King Abdullah,

     This week President Obama met with King Abdullah in Saudi Arabia to discuss the threat of Iran. The King believes we are not doing enough to settle the issue of a nuclear Iran. While I agree, Saudi Arabia is a regional power and share holder of the US economy and not in a good way. If they feel threatened by Iran then they should take care of the situation however they need to. It is not our responsibility to protect their oil from foreign threat while they raise prices on the US.

     Now I do support stopping a nuclear armed Iran, I do so for different reasons that the security of Saudi wealth. I support intervention to make the world a safer place from nuclear threats from barbaric regimes.

By Kevin Locks

Why Are We Still "Talking" About Ukraine.

     President Obama and President Putin via phone calls discussed de-escalation of the crisis in Ukraine this week. While President Putin supposedly seemed pro diplomacy all of a sudden, it has become obvious to me that President Putin is aware that the United States in recent years immediately de-escalates it's own threats as soon as diplomacy is on the table. He is using this trend to de-escalate us, not the conflict in Ukraine. He's had a 24 year political career and an extensive background in subversive tactics with the KGB, the man knows how to play people and is currently playing President Obama.

     Then the two Presidents sent their diplomatic lackeys, Secretary Kerry and Secretary Lavrov respectively to continue the de-escalation talks, Meanwhile the news eats that up and claims progress in the situation. But has there been progress? There are still Russian troops in Crimea, Russia is still legislatively annexing Crimea and they are still massing forces on the border of Ukraine. Done believe this is progress people, It's far from it.

By Kevin Locks

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Attempted Succesion.

     Alaska has proposed their own succession, and to Russia of all places. Has the peoples approval of government dropped so low as to cause people to support such outrageous solutions? But clearly it's the fault of congress, both parties and the POTUS. Our elected officials need to step their game up soon so that the people may have faith and confidence in the State again.

By Kevin Locks


Israel Uses a Nuke on Syria.

   This may not be news as this event was last year but the Obama administration has done an excellent job at keeping from the headlines.

     During the Bush Presidency the Israelis were given nuclear weapons to defend against Iranian aggression. They instead used the weapons on Syria.

      While I do support the state of Israel it is apparent they they need to be reigned in. It is unacceptable for Israel to use such tactics without American consent. If we are protecting Israel Independence we must have open discussions with them before they take such actions.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Russia Kicked out of G8.

     Today President Obama and several other nations voted to ban Russia from the G8. Another cowardly move that the Russians aren't even concerned with. Is is ever a good idea to ban someone from the discussion table and still expect peace?

     The symbolic actions are non-issues to the Russian state. We need to strike fast and hard or stop pretending to be democracy's protector. Russian aggression will continue until the US or maybe even a regional power confronts Russia and brings the perpatrators of these crimes to justice.

BY Kevin Locks

Noam Chomsky and His Honorary Degrees.

     Noam Chomsky is an important figure in modern philosophy, he is also an important figure for the extreme left. He possess at least 38 honorary degrees, witch in my opinion is immoral unethical and a spit in the face to people who have worked and paid for their degrees.

     These degrees give him false credibility and speaking opportunity to poison the mids of you countries youth. Why did I use the work poison? Noam Chomsky holds are country to an arguably moral standard but impossibly unrealistic. He speaks about American imperialism, witch we obviously have had our ups and downs with this but so has every other nation. He speaks about our attempt's to economically dominate the world, But shouldn't the responsibility of the State be to provide prosperity and security to you and your families?

     We must be realistic with the way we allow the State to operate, and unfortunately we will sometime have to make moral sacrifices to continue our prosperity. We are a country of humans, we interact with other countries of humans and should not be held to an inhuman standard. Noam Chomsky would have you abandon you'r humanity in place of an impossibly moral structure to your life and country.

By Kevin Locks

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sharia Law In The US?

     Britain is losing it's cultural identity with it's recognition of Sharia law and allowance of Sharia courts to run along side of their normal legal system. Across Europe countries are coming up with different solutions to culture blending with Muslim immigrants, some tolerant and some not so much.

     The United States will soon have to deal with these same issues, that is only a matter of time. The real question is how will you as an individual react to Muslim attempts to enforce Sharia law on you, or your family, your mothers, sisters and daughters? My hope is that you will stand with democratic values and stop the sexism and violence wherever it is shown.

     As a nation we must analyze Islamic history and European reaction to their Islamic influx population and the social effects caused by their presence. Now don't get me wrong, I want nothing but peace and equality for people with such a noble history. But we must consider our cultural differences and we must know how to react before Sharia violence erupts.

                    By Kevin Locks

Saturday, March 22, 2014

President Obama and Iran Negotiations

     Today the senate has pressed President Obama on continuing negotiations regarding Iran's nuclear ambitions. But to be honest it's our job to pressure the POTUS to defend our security, but kudos to our senate on this regard.

     The solution is simple. Iran should dismantle their nuclear reactors within a set time voted on by our congress, not by executive order. Id they have failed to do so tactical bombing of their nuclear sites is the only choice we are left with.

     The issue comes down to the safety of our kids, and the rest of our family's or a damaged reputation in the eyes of radical Muslims. I will choose American family s every time. It's time for Iran to choose and our President to enforce. Unfortunately there is no evidence that would suggest that our President has the courage to stand of for America, the world, or your family's. and speaking of family's look what the social justice candidate has done to your family businesses.

By Kevin Locks

Russia Takes Ukrainian Military Bases

     Today Russia has taken two Ukrainian military bases in a shameless display imperialism. In reaction Ukraine should be fighting for their own freedom but sometimes the US must step up to defend the weak. This is only the starting point for Russian aggression. Just a testing grounds for modern empire.

     The US and EU cannot stand for these crimes against the world. We must swiftly bring justice to Ukraine and cripple the Russian war machine once again this century. Unconditional surrender and the arrests of its government representatives is the only way to correct these violations.

By Kevin Locks

Friday, March 21, 2014

Democrats Hurting In Midterms

     Every once in awhile President Obama says something i agree with. In the below article he stated that the democrats midterm failures are because of the toxic environment in Washington. Now the part I agree with is just the phrase toxic environment in Washington. The republicans are doing just fine in the midterms and are expected to take the senate.

     My last statement should not be mistaken for one sided attack, the republicans share responsibility for this "toxic environment" as well. But it is purely President Obama and the elected democrats fault that they wont't be getting decent midterms results. But should they even be concerned about the midterms? Id rather my public servants be concerned with the national debt or correcting/repealing the Affordable Health Care Act.

By Kevin Locks

Michigan Gets Same Sex Marriage Ban Overturned

     Another civil rights victory today, Michigan's same sex marriage banned has been overturned. Michigan is now the 17th state to allow same sex marriage but 33 more still need to jump o board with the times. For the record I do support gay marriage rights however we should consider if a ban is even legal in the first place.

By Kevin Locks

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Obama decides against a military response to Russia

     President Obama has decided against the use if military action in Russia and instead opted for sanctions on 20 top Russian officials. He has claimed Presidents Putins annexation of Crimea is weakness and not strength. But who's really the weak one here? You should already know, with another foreign policy bluff President Obama has embarrassed us yet again.

     Now I mentioned before that I do not support sanctions in this case because President Putin only respects strength and I still stand by that. This annexation is comparable to Hitler and Poland while Europe just stood by. We cannot afford to let an imperialist empire rise. I am condoning war with Russia and total victory in mind. It's time for President Obama to show the world that we are not weak and we will defend freedom against whoever opposes it worldwide.

By Kevin Locks

Should Minimum Wage Be Raised?

     We have all heard the arguments about raising minimum wage, some say it will increase layoffs or raise merchandise pricing and others say it will decrease poverty and the income inequality gap. so lets look at some facts about the issue right now.

  1. According to Investors Report Daily 38% of employers would cut staff in response to minimum wage increases. That means more unemployment.
  2. San Francisco raised minimum wage a decade ago and it seems to have worked out well for the state economy.
  3. A raise in minimum wage will coincide with an increase in merchandise cost and in effect canceling out the raise in the first place.
  4. As union membership decreases minimum wage goes along with it.
If minimum wage workers get a raise shouldn't everyone else get an equal raise?

     So by these facts and and a little bit of common sense we can determine that raising minimum wage is not the job of congress, but the job of the labor unions and the responsibility ow workers to join these unions if they wish to be represented on an income level.

     People may not want to admit it but we as individuals have value and that value also correspond to supply and demand. We are guaranteed life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If you are reading this, you are alive. You are free to do do whatever you wish if you are not concerned with legal repercussions. and you may pursue higher income, higher education or whatever makes you happy. these freedoms will make or break you, after-all you were using these freedoms to choose not to do what it takes to be a step ahead of your peers and now you have the freedom to decide what to do next.  

By Kevin Locks

The Problem Of The 1 Percent?

     I am not a big fan of the rich, but I am a big fan of a high GDP, and country with the richest of rich tend to have the highest GDP's regardless of income inequality. Some say that income inequality is worse today than its's ever been but I disagree. Look at the peasant and king or the slave and the master or the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. Today's income gap is business as usual for the people of the world and that's something we just have to get over.

     That's not to say we can't do things better, for example i think the key to stopping class warfare is simple. Tax, a flat rate percentage tax regardless of income. It's that simple, the powers at be definitely know it but that is an issue that both parties can use for control and distraction.

   Another idea is a 22-25 percent tax on inheritance. This might sound outrageous but my military bonus is taxed at 22 percent and I risk violent death as opposed to some grandson of a billionaire becoming the 3rd generation of his family not doing anything but moving money to make it. Now as much as I would love to hand down any future wealth of mine to my family we must stop these people from coasting generation to generation providing nothing for our country.

     Massive corporate fines on things like environmental damage and worker abuse and currency related crimes is another to keep the rich working for their money. NO business is to big to fail and when we believe one is and support tax theft to bail them out we stop a better business from making its rise.

     In closing I don't hate the rich and neither should you. we should however make sure the rich have to work to stay rich.

   By Kevin Locks

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ukraine authorizes military force.

      Ukraine has authorized its use of military force against Russian annexation. The illegitimate elective body in Crimea should be arrested and tried for treason while the west prepares counter-action against Russia. Ukraine is well within their rights as a sovereign nation to protect their territory from foreign invasion.

     This is a deceleration of war by an empowered feeling Russia, it's time to remind the world that their is only one superpower. freedom justice and democracy is in our hands and it is our responsibility to ensure that these values prevail in the upcoming century, and no threat to the above stated values can be left standing.

By Kevin Locks

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Crimea Votes To Join Russia

      Ukraine has voted, and if it is legitimate we must back down and allow its decision to be implemented.
President Obama claims the vote is illegitimate and Secretary Kerry has begun an apologetic rant toward President Putin saying sanctions in Russia are not a "threat" or meant in a "personal way". Between Kerry and Obama we are being made to be a laughable nation as the world loses respect for our statements.

      If the vote is found to be illegitimate then an invasion into Ukraine must commence to enforce proper elections. President Putin is not bluffing and neither should we be.

By Kevin Locks

Time To Act In Crimea

     With the vote in Ukraine in progress and Russia calling for militia volunteers in preparation for war the U.S response is vital. We must put down troops now to protect Ukrainian sovereignty before it's to late. The west cannot afford to lose credibility against Russia or other foreign powers.

     The Russians clearly intend on war in the case of an unfavorable vote in Ukraine, and North Korea is testing more rockets. Stability in the east is on the verge of collapse. The west must step in a secure peace in these regions for the sake of global security and prosperity. We cannot afford another war so we must be prepared for quick victory. The E.U and the United States and its allies must be prepared for the worst.

By Kevin Locks

Friday, March 14, 2014

President Obama's Foreign policy still ineffective

     According to the article linked below Russian forces continue to transport troops and other resources for war into Ukrainian territory. A tweet from the Department of State reads "After more than three hours, @JohnKerry and #Russia's FM Lavrov continue talks on de-escalating tensions in Ukraine."

     Its painfully obvious that President Putin does not respect President Obama or Secretary Kerry. These deescalation talks have been going on since the crisis began to no avail. Roosevelt once said "speak softly and carry a big stick" and that is exactly what must be done.

     The diplomatic talks should continue, while we sent protection forces into Ukraine to provide for the security of Sundays vote. We cannot allow the Russians to ignore us and we damn sure cannot bluff. As this Friday begins i look forward to the resolution on this crisis hopefully on Sunday.

By Kevin Locks

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Ukrainian vote

      As the Ukrainian parliament prepares for the vote I mentioned in a previous post, there's no better time for the pro Russian forces to instigate violence and attempt a coup.
      The United States and other western powers need to put ground forces in Ukrain to defend the democratic process soon to be under way. We must be prepared for the Russian response to be aggressive and counter democratic in response to the likely pro E.U outcome.

By Kevin Locks

Sent from the CNN App for Android Ignoring West, Crimea readies Russia vote

Monday, March 10, 2014

Why sanctions in Russia will not work.

     According to a CNN poll mentioned below 59% of Americans support sanctions against Russia. Let's look at recent history, we have passed sanctions on North Korea, Iran,and Syria but these policies have not stopped these regimes from breaking international law.

     Let's look at Russian history, in the past they have never responded to western diplomacy it was the threat of nuclear force that kept them at bay until the Soviet collapse. What reason do we have today to suggest that sanctions will halt Russian aggression now? I'm not advocating war in this instance however I am aware the Putin/ Russia only respect strength and threat of force. We must stand strong in our policies while keeping diplomatic options on the table. The Bluffing has to stop.

By Kevin Locks

CNN Poll: 59% approve of sanctions against Russia

The Ukrainian conflict

     The United states response to the Russian federations invasion into Crimea should be met with equal action. U.S ground forces along with U.N observers should be placed in Ukraine to preside over new parliamentary elections. Upon completion the new parliaments first act should be either to start the process for entry into the E.U or to strengthen its ties to the Russian Federation.

     If the Ukrainian government votes in favor of the joining the E.U with a legitimate governing body then United states should continue its support and respond in kind to any Russian counter action. If they choose to not join the E.U they should lose American support and face The Russians on their own. Any illegitimate body should not be recognized by the United States or the west and should be called out as such.

By Kevin Locks