This week another unarmed person was shot and killed by overzealous police, Mike Brown is their newest victim. The Ferguson police Sparked riots in Missouri and other parts of the nation after their disregard for human life and irresponsible officers targeted and murdered the unarmed teenager. But Mike Brown is just a recent incident, not even the latest.
Police indiscretion is a growing problem and it is time we do something about it. I am not talking about violence towards police either, anarchy is never a solution. I am referring to legal political reform. If you do not think police behavior is a problem then consider this. More Americans have been killed by police than terrorist organizations since 2001, Military personal have stricter rules for dealing with enemy fighters than police do when dealing with American citizens. This is unacceptable and it's time for a call for police accountability.
If you feel the need to do something about this then write your representatives in congress and voice your concerns. Currently there are states passing laws for self defense against police witch I support, and there is a bill coming through called the Police Demilitarization Act witch I do not. these are but a few ways to be involved. But remember do not attack police and I would recommend against taunting them, but do not trust the police unless you have nowhere else to turn. I would like to give a shout out the the organization Cop Block for spreading police awareness to citizens who may not have been as concerned as they should be.
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